Giving Help & Hope Feminine hygiene Product Drive

ALL are welcome!!! FREE and OPEN to PUBLIC!! 

Please join the Community Action Committee at the Holiday Inn on the Plaza as we support Giving Hope and Help. We will host a Delta table from noon to 4:00 pm. at the Holiday Inn, Country Club Plaza, One E. 45th Street, KCMO. Come and support is in your Delta gear and bring your donations of female hygiene products. If you’ve already made your donation or plan to give at the December Sorority meeting don’t let that keep you from coming by to offer support. 
A representative from the Community Action committee will be at the Delta Anthenaeum on Wednesday 12/5, 5-8 to collect items for donation.

Purpose of the Event: 

The Giving Hope & Help 6th Annual Feminine Hygiene Product Drive is:

Saturday, Dec. 8, 2018 12 Noon to 4PM
Holiday Inn Country Club Plaza, 1 East 45th Street, KCMO 64111
The drop-off, community drive will include celebrating Giving Hope & Help’s 5th Birthday
and the Founder’s 50th Birthday all in one! 
There will be refreshments, Live music provided by HOT 103 Jamz! 
We would be honored to have your attendance and/or partnership. 

*Specific Domestic Violence Shelters/places of refuge are noted on the fliers. I have attached the OFFICIAL flyer that shares the details of the event
PLEASE SHARE THE FLIERS with your network in KC and Texas. 
See Shelter Testimonials and additional information on our website:
*Some of the shelters have two locations. Therefore, our impact is even greater. Every year we add a shelter recipient.
This difference making initiative supports our mission for DV AWARNESS, to STAND UP AGAINST DV, SUPPORT SHELTERS, SUPPORT THE SURVIVORS AND STOP DV! Shelter Reps will attend the events and share information with the community. 

We continue to collect the least donated items of dignity to DV Shelters/places of refuge:
Sanitary napkins, tampons, women’s packaged underwear and we are adding children’s packaged underwear this year. We believe that #NoFemaleWithout these items of dignity should be a reality and when a woman gains the courage to escape or leave her abuser and safely arrive at a shelter or place of refuge, these items of dignity should be available.

Contact: Candice Reynolds 

[email protected]