Contact Us


If you wish to contact the chapter regarding our events, please send a message to [email protected]

Please send correspondence to: 
Delta Sigma Theta Sorority, Inc.
Kansas City, MO Alumnae Chapter
PO Box 5272 Kansas City, MO 64112

Visit Us

Thank you for visiting our website!

If you are a duly initiated member of Delta Sigma Theta Sorority, Inc., we welcome you to join or visit a chapter meeting. If you plan to attend a chapter meeting, please click here to complete the Membership verification form in advance, if possible.

Upon verification, bring the membership verification confirmation email, a photo ID or membership card with you to the meeting. The Sargent-At-Arms will verify your membership at the door.

The Chapter meetings are held every third Saturday of the month at 1:00PM at the Delta Athenaeum. Please dress in business attire, no denim.

Prospective member inquiry: 

Thank you for your interest in becoming a member of Delta Sigma Theta Sorority, Inc. At this time, the Kansas City Missouri Alumnae Chapter is not conducting membership intake. We invite you to attend or volunteer with chapter public events or programs. See Calendar section.

If you would like to receive notification and invitation to our next intake, please complete the Prospect Inquiry form here. We will store your information and proactively email you an invitation to our next intake program. It is not necessary to submit a new form each year unless your contact information has changed.

If you would like to learn more about our organization, please visit our National Website at